Asking questions. Did you know that the skill of asking questions, not only adds to your overall communication skills, but can be a great way to start a presentation? Not only do questions engage your listeners, they also help you as the speaker, focus the attention...
Make Eye Contact
Make eye contact. When having a conversation with someone or sitting in an audience facing a speaker, we expect the other person to make eye contact with us. Through eye contact we discover and learn about each other. Mutual eye contact signals our interest and our...
The Power of Words-Communication Skills
Never doubt the power of words. There is a 19th century children’s nursery rhyme that says, Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Bull nuggets and Balderdash! That's not true! Words can hurt. Words can tear people apart, just as easily as...
Gain the Competitive Edge With These 7 Skills
Avoid becoming an unemployment statistic. Gain the competitive edge with these 7 skills. They aren’t new or difficult to master. Business writer and author, Bobbi Dempsey, summed them up in one of her articles for FORBES as "The Seven Most Universal Job...
Connect With the Audience
Connect with the Audience. Touch them! That’s right. Get physical and touch them! From the time we’re born as tiny tots, touch is vital to our survival and healthy development. It’s how we communicate and discover the world around us from our earliest stages. Studies...
Energize. Activate the Audience
Energize. That’s right, energize! Activate your audience. Your audience will love you for it, and remember you always. Have you ever attended an event where the emcee, host or speaker at the front of the room shouts out to the audience, “I’m so glad to be here,” but...
Dynamic Speakers
Who doesn't want what dynamic speakers have? Recognition. Money. Accolades. Dynamic speakers receive them all. The question is probably not who wants what dynamic speakers have ... but how can a person become a dynamic speaker. As you watch and listen to dynamic...
Six Common Communication Barriers
Six common communication barriers kill effective communication. Do you know what they are? Sometimes referred to as communication blocks, these barriers not only sabotage our chances of open and honest dialogue, they also kill the possibility of any meaningful...
How to Avoid Miscommunication
How can you avoid miscommunication? Miscommunication hurts! It hurts both our personal and professional lives, hampering career advancement and profitable business possibilities. Have you ever had a face to face conversation with someone, or sent an electronic...
Warren Buffett Keen on Communication Skills
Do you know that billionaire Warren Buffett is keen on communication skills? The man with a net worth of 53.5 billion, second richest in the United States, and fourth richest person in the world admits that at one time, he was absolutely terrified of public speaking....
First Impressions Build Audience Connection – Speak for Success
First Impressions Build Audience Connection – Speak for SuccessFirst impressions build audience connection. We've all heard first impressions are lasting impressions. If that's true, then as speakers and presenters we need to make that very first connection with our...
Speaking From the Stage
Speaking from the stage... can be an exhilarating experience for the polished presenter. But for a novice speaker or for someone who is unprepared to step up and stand in front of an audience, it can be a daunting and stressful time. Whether you are a seasoned...