Soft Skills in the Sandbox

Soft Skills in the Sandbox

Soft skills. No one big or small, young or old survives without soft skills in the sandbox of life. As children, we don’t get yanked out of the sandbox because we’re building castles, roads or mud pies. Nope. We get yanked out because we’re causing a ruckus by not...
Believe It. Body Language Counts.

Believe It. Body Language Counts.

Body Language counts. Believe it. As a presenter you may never have another chance to make a first good impression. Whether you are presenting a proposal, making a sale or getting support for a project, you want to make an immediate positive connection with your...
Brain Blank: How to Answer Questions

Brain Blank: How to Answer Questions

Ever suffer from brain blank at a meeting? Or find yourself embarrassed because you couldn’t answer a question? Well, kiss that foggy feeling good bye. The next time you find yourself on the receiving end and have to answer questions, remember this. Right off the bat,...
Before You Grab Your Networking Hat

Before You Grab Your Networking Hat

Before you grab your ‘networking-to-success’ hat and head to that special work-related event, whether it’s social or business, why not step back and move into ‘discovery’ mode? Discovering as much as you can about the event, before you head out the door, will set you...
Positive Customer Experiences

Positive Customer Experiences

Positive customer experiences live forever. If it’s true that customers can make or break a business, then the goal of every company should be to provide a positive experience to every customer. However, it’s impossible for any business to promote positive...