Success Characteristics

by | Jul 27, 2019 | Professional Development

Defining success is like nailing jelly to a tree, but success characteristics … now that is a different story.

Every New Year I think about what speaking for success will look like for me in the months ahead: the opportunities, the experiences, the people.  Whether or not we make New Year’s resolutions as we move forward really doesn’t matter. At the heart of it, we are all looking for something brighter; something better than what we had before. And, while it is extremely gratifying to receive that pat on the back, that award, that bonus for a job well done, in most cases, we could not have accomplished what we did without the amazing support of others.

The success that comes for me this year will be built upon that of the last.  When I stop and think about what my foundation is built on I think of all the people who have stood behind me and pushed, the people in front of me who have pulled, and those who have walked beside me and kept me on track.  These were mentors, some accidental, some sought out; some were friends, some were colleagues, others were my coaches (yes, I have coaches too)and some were my clients.

At the close of 2011 I took time to think about these wonderful people and out of interest began to write down what I thought their characteristics and attributes were. At first it was just a simple exercise of curiosity. However, it ended up lasting several hours and in that time I came up with a list of ten common characteristics and attributes that I felt these people shared.  And, I’d like to share them with you.

1.      Knowledge
They willingly shared their information, understanding and experience with me.

2.      Trust 
I knew beyond a show of a doubt that their guidance was not only in the best interest of my business, but also in the best interest of ‘me’. I could trust them with my life.

3.     Support
When I made mistakes, they showed me how not to make them again. When I got bogged down in the smallest of details, they helped me clear a path to the priorities.

4.     Listen
They listened, really listened when I needed to bend their ear whether it involved changing strategy, making a decision or just blowing off steam.

5.      Encouragement
When I felt like giving up, they were right there to gently nudge and cheer me forward.

6.      Patience
They helped me remain calm and self-composed, and to understand that in some circumstances taking baby steps is better than racing ahead without reason.

7.      Successful
All are successful in their respective fields. I learned it is only the people who have already achieved who are able lift up those who are on their way.

8.      Positive
They understood the importance of a healthy, positive mental attitude, and their ‘you can do it’ strengthened my commitment and deepened my resolve to succeed.

9.      Sense of Fun
Each person had the ability to laugh at themselves, a sense of humour, and air of playfulness. They saw life as something to be lived with gusto and embraced it to the fullest.

10.     Faith
They had faith in me. There were many times along the way when I lost faith in myself and in my abilities, but they never did. They stood by to help jump-start my courage and cement my confidence in place.

Why don’t you take a moment or two and see which characteristics or attributes apply to the people around you: your family, friends, co-workers, mentors, coaches and clients.  For me, these people will continue to guide and mentor me in the year ahead. Some are already here, some I will have to search out, while others will appear as if by magic.  With the amazing support of my mentors, friends, family and colleagues, I know I will be able to accomplish my biggest goal for 2012 , and that is to help others achieve success by helping them improve their communication skills. After all, it’s how we communicate with each other that is truly pivotal to our success.