First Impressions Build Audience Connection – Speak for SuccessFirst impressions build audience connection. We’ve all heard first impressions are lasting impressions. If that’s true, then as speakers and presenters we need to make that very first connection with our audience a dynamic and positive one. However, far too often the very first impression the audience gets of their presenter is anything but … the best. In this power point presentation, we look at the most common culprit. Lack of readiness by the speaker.

When the audience is ready, but the speaker is not – 100% prepared and 100% present – for the audience, audience attention will begin to shift and wander off. It’s those first impressions that build audience connection. If the speaker is still dealing with equipment when the program is about to start, the people seated will begin to make quick, and less than positive judgments about the presenter. They are giving their time to be present for the speaker and in turn, expect the speaker to 100% ‘present’ for them.

As s presenter, you need to build connection with the audience right at the beginning. You want the audience to see you as confident, as someone who is worthy of commanding their time. While there are many ways for a presenter to grab the attention of an audience, the most important one is simple to put into practice and quite basic. When the audience looks at you

standing in front of them – the person they came to hear – you look back at them: not at your notes, not at your equipment. Face the audience. Give them your undivided attention. This is what creates a good first impression and serves as the foundation to build audience connection. After all you love your audience, that’s why you are here and you want your audience to love you.