Speaking Success Depends on Solid Presentation

Speaking Success Depends on Solid Presentation

Speaking success depends on solid preparation. That’s a no-brainer. Former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Guiliani, once said, “No one, no matter how gifted can perform without preparation.” Most of us have had speaking opportunities where we fly by the seat...
Is the Audience Ready?

Is the Audience Ready?

Is the audience ready? Are they ready to listen?  Comfortably seated and ready to give you their full attention? I see it happening over and over again…and if you are doing it, stop. If you are beginning your speech or presentation and the audience isn’t ready...
Presenters Need to Know

Presenters Need to Know

Presenters need to know this one thing if they are looking for speaking success. There’s no exception. As a presenter you need to know what you want your audience to do. It doesn’t matter the type of presentation, how long or the topic or the size of the audience....
It’s not Different – Speaking for Success

It’s not Different – Speaking for Success

It’s not different. Sometimes I hear people say, “Oh I don’t mind giving a presentation but it’s the question and answer session that I don’t like. That’s something separate, something different.”   If you are like most people,...
People Skills

People Skills

Did you know that your people skills are the determining factor in whether you get hired, fired, offered advancement or left behind? Of course, no one is saying that technical skills aren’t important, they are. But, regardless of how technical or intricate your job...