Emcee Performance: Pulverize or Praise

Emcee Performance: Pulverize or Praise

“You’re out!” shouts Simon at the contestants. They choke back the tears and move off the stage.” It’s the latest craze in reality TV: The Exceptional Emcee. You walk on as the next contestant, face to face with entrepreneur and personality extraordinaire Simon...
Speech Openings! Whack ‘Em for Success

Speech Openings! Whack ‘Em for Success

Strike one! When you stand up to speak and you miss connecting with your audience right off the bat, that is strike one. You need to get in and whack ‘em with your opening! Get their interest and keep it from start to finish. If you can’t connect at the beginning and...
Speaking Strategies and The ‘it’ Factor!

Speaking Strategies and The ‘it’ Factor!

Some people have it. Some people don’t. Speaking strategies and the elusive ‘it’ factor! The ‘it’ factor refers to that indefinable something that makes you special, that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. As a speaker, this might be the way you move or how...
Stomp Those Speaking Fears

Stomp Those Speaking Fears

Stomp those speaking fears as soon as they begin to surface. Don’t let nervousness, anxiety or speaking stress derail you from a speaking or presentation opportunity. Practically everyone on this planet experiences some form of nervousness or apprehension when asked...
Asking Questions.

Asking Questions.

Asking questions. Did you know that the skill of asking questions, not only adds to your overall communication skills, but can be a great way to start a presentation?  Not only do questions engage your listeners, they also help you as the speaker, focus the attention...